The End of the Old and the Beginning of the New
by Mark Lyons
Image by eliza28diamonds from Pixabay
SammySocks Etc. Blog - Comments and Observations from Someone Who Is a Retired Educator and Sammy’s Dad
The end of a year often triggers a walk down memory lane. We review the good and the bad of all that happened to us and those around us. It can be a time to “close the book” on parts of our lives that we would rather not continue. The new year approaches with all the promise that a blank sheet of paper holds for a writer. We have the chance to start something new.
Let us take the opportunities that a new year brings to start fresh. We can show care and love to our family and others we may not know with our time, talents, and money.
The upcoming new year can be one full of hope and promise if we approach it from that point of view. If the year throws obstacles our way, we can rise to the occasion and attempt to win over the situation with all the positive actions we can muster. Let us say goodbye to the old and let us begin anew.
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