Sammy at Work at SammySocks Etc.

Sammy at Work at SammySocks Etc.

by Mark Lyons

SammySocks Etc. Blog - Comments and Observations from Someone Who Is a Retired Educator and the Father of Sammy of SammySocks Etc.

           Samuel has several chores that he performs at SammySocks Etc. He puts individual components of our Bells and Whistles Bag into organza bags. He also packs baggies with a variety of items that are included with each customer’s order.

            These are not difficult tasks, but they are important and time consuming. Once learned, they are repetitive. This is both good and bad. Good because the same thing is done over and over. But that is also what makes them bad. It’s boring!

            To help with this, I (Mark, Samuel’s father) sit next to him in our sock work room where he performs these tasks. Samuel needs constant support and encouragement. He enjoys listening to stories about happenings, events, and incidents from his earlier years. He also likes listening to music on the radio. Samuel has the ability to “mash-up” songs. He can figure out which two different songs can be sung together. He will sing one song along with the other song playing on the radio.

            Samuel has a good sense of humor. We try to tell him jokes to get him to laugh. He also likes stories and books read to him.

            Go to, take a look at our selection of socks, and buy one, two or more pairs of socks for yourself or someone you love. Tell others about SammySocks Etc. Thank you.

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